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Thursday, 8 December 2011


Uncovering whether or not you are suffering from unseen inflammation in your body is quite important because it is an underlying factor associated with many diseases. Disease processes can be affected or caused by inflammation.

If your immune system’s ability to quell inflammation is impaired you may be heading toward illness and premature aging.

Addressing the cause [s] of inflammation and learning how to live an anti-inflammatory lifestyle can assist in supporting your health.

There are normal and appropriate inflammatory responses of the immune -defence system -- to infection and trauma. This kind of inflammation is necessary. It is needed it to survive and works to determine friend from foe.

An immediate inflammatory reaction generated by your body’s immune system is known as an “acute inflammatory reaction”

When your immune system becomes uncontrolled, for whatever reason, it will attack the bodies healthy tissues resulting in autoimmune diseases and chronic, underlying inflammation which can slowly damages your organs / tissues reducing your ability to function optimally.

It is postulated that chronic inflammation will also lead to premature aging.

Anti-inflammatory drugs are often useful for acute problems, however they do interfere with the body's own immune response and cause adverse side effects especially with long term use.

Illness - ill-health - ailments
A state of poor health is sometimes thought to be another word for disease. However illness may be considered to the subjective perception of a person’s experience [s] of the symptoms of an objectively defined disease or condition.

The state of being healthy includes not merely the absence of disease and feeling ill, it may be considered to be a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. When these conditions are not fulfilled, then the person can be considered to be experiencing an illness or to be ill.

Signs and symptoms
A symptom or symptoms of a condition is that which the person experiences it is how they feel.

A sign or signs of a condition is that which is observed and noted by the health professional [s] which provides indications of the condition [s] and enables them to diagnose the problem and prescribe the appropriate medication [s].

Taking preventative action to assist in the health process is not the same as taking action to combat a serious disease. If you are unfortunate enough to experience unusual symptoms, no matter how vague, you must must consult a health professional. If you are unfortunate enough to meet with an unsympathetic health professional then consult another.

Never delay early diagnosis and early intervention is imperative.

Taking action to counter inflammation will help you to establish a better level of health and by so doing assist your body in combating any disease problems.

Remember in the case of serious diseases it is never a cure.

Whole Foods - Eat high-fibre, plant-based diets, which are inherently anti-inflammatory.

Healthy Fats - Eat healthy monounsaturated fats in olive oil, nuts and avocados, and getting omega-3 fats from small fish like sardines, herring, and wild salmon.

Regular Exercise - Regular exercise reduces inflammation. It also improves immune function, strengthens your cardiovascular systems, corrects and prevents insulin resistance. It is key for improving your mood and erasing the effects of stress. When exercising play music that you enjoy.

Relax - Your whole body and lower inflammation when you practice yoga or meditation, breathe well, take a hot bath.

Heal Your Gut -- Take biotic to help your digestion and improve the balance of healthy bacteria in your gut, which reduces inflammation.

Supplement -- Take a multivitamin/multi-mineral supplement, fish oil, and vitamin D, may help reduce inflammation.

Avoid Allergens -- If you have food allergies, find out what you're allergic to.

Anti-inflammatory refers to the property of a substance or treatment that reduces inflammation.

Some advocate the consumption of anti-inflammatory foodstuffs as a means of influencing inflammation. A typical anti-inflammatory diet includes a well-balanced, varied diet high in vegetables and low in refined carbohydrates and fats.

Anti-inflammatory foods include most colourful fruits and vegetables, oily fish, nuts, seeds, and certain spices and herbs.

A diet high in vegetables and low in refined carbohydrates and saturated and trans fats may enhance the creation of prostaglandins.

There are three main types of prostaglandins: PG-E1 and PG-E3, which have anti-inflammatory properties, and PG-E2, which promotes inflammation.

Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to disrupt inflammation cell signalling pathways by binding to the GPR120 receptor.

1 comment:

  1. Useful information for beginners.Premature aging=scary. Most recommended practices in this article I have found to be helpful w Sjogrens.
